VILT Introduction


Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)


Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) refers to training that is delivered in a virtual or simulated environment, or when instructor and learner are in separate locations. Virtual instruction environments are designed to simulate the traditional classroom or learning experience. VILT can be conducted synchronously or asynchronously. The term is also referred to as Virtual Classroom Training (VCT).


VILT is one of the fastest growing methods of internet-based learning delivery. Steady increases in bandwidth and collaboration software technologies have promoted VILT to a practical and inviting solution for reaching widely dispersed learners efficiently and cost-effectively.

Virtual instructor-led training is transforming the way millions of people learn, both on and off the job. Increasingly, businesses are employing it as part of broader blended solutions for training and development. Other common business-related uses include customer and product training, professional development, sales training and on boarding.

The growth of virtual instructor-led training in academia is equally robust. Many colleges and universities offer established online graduate and undergraduate degree programs based on VILT technology. More recently, schools have begun launching Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platforms to provide free education courseware to a global audience, often in collaboration with other institutions.

There are two schools of thought surrounding virtual instructor-led training; one school of thought suggests that virtual instructor-led training should simulate the traditional classroom or learning experience, while others believe it should have a unique, customizable design and experience.


• Reduced cost.  Due to the nature of VILT, travel and lodging costs can be reduced or eliminated completely.

• Convenience.  VILT students can choose when and where they would like participate in training courses – whether they are at home, in the office, or on their mobile devices.

•Modular design. To appeal to busy students and professionals, many VILT programs offer training content in short, incremental modules, which can be completed independently or in combination with other courses or curricula.

•Increased capacity and scalability. VILT can accommodate large numbers of students without increasing the amount of materials or space needed in typically classroom settings.

•Increased diversity. Because of the reach that VILT provides, students and instructors from a variety of culture and geographic backgrounds can participate simultaneously.


In a recent study conducted by, learning leaders cited the ways in which their organizations use virtual instructor-led training, along with challenges and best practices for implementing VILT. Some of the primary findings are listed below.

•Of the learning leaders surveyed, 73% believe their organization’s VILT is very effective or somewhat effective.

•The majority of organizations are increasing their use of VILT.

•Engagement tools are more frequently used during VILT sessions than after the session has concluded.

•Organizations currently use VILT is most often for customers, professionals and sales staff.

•The average class size for VILT is 20 learners or less.

Our Approach to vILT

Personalized Learning:

The vILT solution provides a rich and diverse learning experience. Trainees are not bound by time or an agenda; they are free exploring content and practice opportunities that are of interest to them.

We provide options to personalize the content according to the target audience’s preferred learning styles, putting trainees in the driver seat of their own learning.

Our vILT experts design for diversity and ensure that the accountability of any interaction is compelling enough to secure face-to-face and online participation.

Leverage Technology:


Our experts match strategic learning goals to the unique features of virtual technology. vILT solutions may involve real-time interaction among geographically dispersed employees, live webinars, or recorded sessions for review.

We leverage existing Client Learning Management Systems / Content Management Systems infrastructure and provide suggestions for those looking to expand their training portfolio to include other platforms such as mobile technology and social media.

Our experts can help identify which learning platforms will be most effective when positioning instructional strategies and assessment techniques.

To discuss how our tailored training solutions could benefit your organization, please contact a member of Our training team.
